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Module pipeline

BasePipeline Objects

class BasePipeline()


| @classmethod
 | load_from_yaml(cls, path: Path, pipeline_name: Optional[str] = None, overwrite_with_env_variables: bool = True)

Load Pipeline from a YAML file defining the individual components and how they're tied together to form a Pipeline. A single YAML can declare multiple Pipelines, in which case an explicit pipeline_name must be passed.

Here's a sample configuration:

|   version: '0.8'
|    components:    # define all the building-blocks for Pipeline
|    - name: MyReader       # custom-name for the component; helpful for visualization & debugging
|      type: FARMReader    # Haystack Class name for the component
|      params:
|        no_ans_boost: -10
|        model_name_or_path: deepset/roberta-base-squad2
|    - name: MyESRetriever
|      type: ElasticsearchRetriever
|      params:
|        document_store: MyDocumentStore    # params can reference other components defined in the YAML
|        custom_query: null
|    - name: MyDocumentStore
|      type: ElasticsearchDocumentStore
|      params:
|        index: haystack_test
|    pipelines:    # multiple Pipelines can be defined using the components from above
|    - name: my_query_pipeline    # a simple extractive-qa Pipeline
|      nodes:
|      - name: MyESRetriever
|        inputs: [Query]
|      - name: MyReader
|        inputs: [MyESRetriever]


  • path: path of the YAML file.
  • pipeline_name: if the YAML contains multiple pipelines, the pipeline_name to load must be set.
  • overwrite_with_env_variables: Overwrite the YAML configuration with environment variables. For example, to change index name param for an ElasticsearchDocumentStore, an env variable 'MYDOCSTORE_PARAMS_INDEX=documents-2021' can be set. Note that an _ sign must be used to specify nested hierarchical properties.

Pipeline Objects

class Pipeline(BasePipeline)

Pipeline brings together building blocks to build a complex search pipeline with Haystack & user-defined components.

Under-the-hood, a pipeline is represented as a directed acyclic graph of component nodes. It enables custom query flows with options to branch queries(eg, extractive qa vs keyword match query), merge candidate documents for a Reader from multiple Retrievers, or re-ranking of candidate documents.


| add_node(component, name: str, inputs: List[str])

Add a new node to the pipeline.


  • component: The object to be called when the data is passed to the node. It can be a Haystack component (like Retriever, Reader, or Generator) or a user-defined object that implements a run() method to process incoming data from predecessor node.

  • name: The name for the node. It must not contain any dots.

  • inputs: A list of inputs to the node. If the predecessor node has a single outgoing edge, just the name of node is sufficient. For instance, a 'ElasticsearchRetriever' node would always output a single edge with a list of documents. It can be represented as ["ElasticsearchRetriever"].

             In cases when the predecessor node has multiple outputs, e.g., a "QueryClassifier", the output
             must be specified explicitly as "QueryClassifier.output_2".


| get_node(name: str) -> Optional[BaseComponent]

Get a node from the Pipeline.


  • name: The name of the node.


| set_node(name: str, component)

Set the component for a node in the Pipeline.


  • name: The name of the node.
  • component: The component object to be set at the node.


| get_nodes_by_class(class_type) -> List[Any]

Gets all nodes in the pipeline that are an instance of a certain class (incl. subclasses). This is for example helpful if you loaded a pipeline and then want to interact directly with the document store. Example: | from haystack.document_store.base import BaseDocumentStore | INDEXING_PIPELINE = Pipeline.load_from_yaml(Path(PIPELINE_YAML_PATH), pipeline_name=INDEXING_PIPELINE_NAME) | res = INDEXING_PIPELINE.get_nodes_by_class(class_type=BaseDocumentStore)


List of components that are an instance the requested class


| get_document_store() -> Optional[BaseDocumentStore]

Return the document store object used in the current pipeline.


Instance of DocumentStore or None


| draw(path: Path = Path("pipeline.png"))

Create a Graphviz visualization of the pipeline.


  • path: the path to save the image.


| @classmethod
 | load_from_yaml(cls, path: Path, pipeline_name: Optional[str] = None, overwrite_with_env_variables: bool = True)

Load Pipeline from a YAML file defining the individual components and how they're tied together to form a Pipeline. A single YAML can declare multiple Pipelines, in which case an explicit pipeline_name must be passed.

Here's a sample configuration:

|   version: '0.8'
|    components:    # define all the building-blocks for Pipeline
|    - name: MyReader       # custom-name for the component; helpful for visualization & debugging
|      type: FARMReader    # Haystack Class name for the component
|      params:
|        no_ans_boost: -10
|        model_name_or_path: deepset/roberta-base-squad2
|    - name: MyESRetriever
|      type: ElasticsearchRetriever
|      params:
|        document_store: MyDocumentStore    # params can reference other components defined in the YAML
|        custom_query: null
|    - name: MyDocumentStore
|      type: ElasticsearchDocumentStore
|      params:
|        index: haystack_test
|    pipelines:    # multiple Pipelines can be defined using the components from above
|    - name: my_query_pipeline    # a simple extractive-qa Pipeline
|      nodes:
|      - name: MyESRetriever
|        inputs: [Query]
|      - name: MyReader
|        inputs: [MyESRetriever]


  • path: path of the YAML file.
  • pipeline_name: if the YAML contains multiple pipelines, the pipeline_name to load must be set.
  • overwrite_with_env_variables: Overwrite the YAML configuration with environment variables. For example, to change index name param for an ElasticsearchDocumentStore, an env variable 'MYDOCSTORE_PARAMS_INDEX=documents-2021' can be set. Note that an _ sign must be used to specify nested hierarchical properties.


| save_to_yaml(path: Path, return_defaults: bool = False)

Save a YAML configuration for the Pipeline that can be used with Pipeline.load_from_yaml().


  • path: path of the output YAML file.
  • return_defaults: whether to output parameters that have the default values.

BaseStandardPipeline Objects

class BaseStandardPipeline(ABC)


| add_node(component, name: str, inputs: List[str])

Add a new node to the pipeline.


  • component: The object to be called when the data is passed to the node. It can be a Haystack component (like Retriever, Reader, or Generator) or a user-defined object that implements a run() method to process incoming data from predecessor node.

  • name: The name for the node. It must not contain any dots.

  • inputs: A list of inputs to the node. If the predecessor node has a single outgoing edge, just the name of node is sufficient. For instance, a 'ElasticsearchRetriever' node would always output a single edge with a list of documents. It can be represented as ["ElasticsearchRetriever"].

             In cases when the predecessor node has multiple outputs, e.g., a "QueryClassifier", the output
             must be specified explicitly as "QueryClassifier.output_2".


| get_node(name: str)

Get a node from the Pipeline.


  • name: The name of the node.


| set_node(name: str, component)

Set the component for a node in the Pipeline.


  • name: The name of the node.
  • component: The component object to be set at the node.


| draw(path: Path = Path("pipeline.png"))

Create a Graphviz visualization of the pipeline.


  • path: the path to save the image.

ExtractiveQAPipeline Objects

class ExtractiveQAPipeline(BaseStandardPipeline)


| __init__(reader: BaseReader, retriever: BaseRetriever)

Initialize a Pipeline for Extractive Question Answering.


  • reader: Reader instance
  • retriever: Retriever instance


| run(query: str, params: Optional[dict] = None)


  • query: the query string.
  • params: params for the retriever and reader. For instance, params={"retriever": {"top_k": 10}, "reader": {"top_k": 5}}

DocumentSearchPipeline Objects

class DocumentSearchPipeline(BaseStandardPipeline)


| __init__(retriever: BaseRetriever)

Initialize a Pipeline for semantic document search.


  • retriever: Retriever instance


| run(query: str, params: Optional[dict] = None)


  • query: the query string.
  • params: params for the retriever and reader. For instance, params={"retriever": {"top_k": 10}}

GenerativeQAPipeline Objects

class GenerativeQAPipeline(BaseStandardPipeline)


| __init__(generator: BaseGenerator, retriever: BaseRetriever)

Initialize a Pipeline for Generative Question Answering.


  • generator: Generator instance
  • retriever: Retriever instance


| run(query: str, params: Optional[dict] = None)


  • query: the query string.
  • params: params for the retriever and generator. For instance, params={"retriever": {"top_k": 10}, "generator": {"top_k": 5}}

SearchSummarizationPipeline Objects

class SearchSummarizationPipeline(BaseStandardPipeline)


| __init__(summarizer: BaseSummarizer, retriever: BaseRetriever, return_in_answer_format: bool = False)

Initialize a Pipeline that retrieves documents for a query and then summarizes those documents.


  • summarizer: Summarizer instance
  • retriever: Retriever instance
  • return_in_answer_format: Whether the results should be returned as documents (False) or in the answer format used in other QA pipelines (True). With the latter, you can use this pipeline as a "drop-in replacement" for other QA pipelines.


| run(query: str, params: Optional[dict] = None)


  • query: the query string.
  • params: params for the retriever and summarizer. For instance, params={"retriever": {"top_k": 10}, "summarizer": {"generate_single_summary": True}}

FAQPipeline Objects

class FAQPipeline(BaseStandardPipeline)


| __init__(retriever: BaseRetriever)

Initialize a Pipeline for finding similar FAQs using semantic document search.


  • retriever: Retriever instance


| run(query: str, params: Optional[dict] = None)


  • query: the query string.
  • params: params for the retriever. For instance, params={"retriever": {"top_k": 10}}

TranslationWrapperPipeline Objects

class TranslationWrapperPipeline(BaseStandardPipeline)

Takes an existing search pipeline and adds one "input translation node" after the Query and one "output translation" node just before returning the results


| __init__(input_translator: BaseTranslator, output_translator: BaseTranslator, pipeline: BaseStandardPipeline)

Wrap a given pipeline with the input_translator and output_translator.


  • input_translator: A Translator node that shall translate the input query from language A to B
  • output_translator: A Translator node that shall translate the pipeline results from language B to A
  • pipeline: The pipeline object (e.g. ExtractiveQAPipeline) you want to "wrap". Note that pipelines with split or merge nodes are currently not supported.

QuestionGenerationPipeline Objects

class QuestionGenerationPipeline(BaseStandardPipeline)

A simple pipeline that takes documents as input and generates questions that it thinks can be answered by the documents.

RetrieverQuestionGenerationPipeline Objects

class RetrieverQuestionGenerationPipeline(BaseStandardPipeline)

A simple pipeline that takes a query as input, performs retrieval, and then generates questions that it thinks can be answered by the retrieved documents.

QuestionAnswerGenerationPipeline Objects

class QuestionAnswerGenerationPipeline(BaseStandardPipeline)

This is a pipeline which takes a document as input, generates questions that the model thinks can be answered by this document, and then performs question answering of this questions using that single document.

RootNode Objects

class RootNode(BaseComponent)

RootNode feeds inputs together with corresponding params to a Pipeline.

SklearnQueryClassifier Objects

class SklearnQueryClassifier(BaseComponent)

A node to classify an incoming query into one of two categories using a lightweight sklearn model. Depending on the result, the query flows to a different branch in your pipeline and the further processing can be customized. You can define this by connecting the further pipeline to either output_1 or output_2 from this node.


|pipe = Pipeline()
|pipe.add_node(component=SklearnQueryClassifier(), name="QueryClassifier", inputs=["Query"])
|pipe.add_node(component=elastic_retriever, name="ElasticRetriever", inputs=["QueryClassifier.output_2"])
|pipe.add_node(component=dpr_retriever, name="DPRRetriever", inputs=["QueryClassifier.output_1"])

|# Keyword queries will use the ElasticRetriever
|pipe.run("kubernetes aws")

|# Semantic queries (questions, statements, sentences ...) will leverage the DPR retriever
|pipe.run("How to manage kubernetes on aws")


Pass your own Sklearn binary classification model or use one of the following pretrained ones:

  1. Keywords vs. Questions/Statements (Default) query_classifier can be found here query_vectorizer can be found here output_1 => question/statement output_2 => keyword query Readme

  2. Questions vs. Statements query_classifier can be found here query_vectorizer can be found here output_1 => question output_2 => statement Readme

See also the tutorial on pipelines.


| __init__(model_name_or_path: Union[
 |             str, Any
 |         ] = "https://ext-models-haystack.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/gradboost_query_classifier/model.pickle", vectorizer_name_or_path: Union[
 |             str, Any
 |         ] = "https://ext-models-haystack.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/gradboost_query_classifier/vectorizer.pickle")


  • model_name_or_path: Gradient boosting based binary classifier to classify between keyword vs statement/question queries or statement vs question queries.
  • vectorizer_name_or_path: A ngram based Tfidf vectorizer for extracting features from query.

TransformersQueryClassifier Objects

class TransformersQueryClassifier(BaseComponent)

A node to classify an incoming query into one of two categories using a (small) BERT transformer model. Depending on the result, the query flows to a different branch in your pipeline and the further processing can be customized. You can define this by connecting the further pipeline to either output_1 or output_2 from this node.


|pipe = Pipeline()
|pipe.add_node(component=TransformersQueryClassifier(), name="QueryClassifier", inputs=["Query"])
|pipe.add_node(component=elastic_retriever, name="ElasticRetriever", inputs=["QueryClassifier.output_2"])
|pipe.add_node(component=dpr_retriever, name="DPRRetriever", inputs=["QueryClassifier.output_1"])

|# Keyword queries will use the ElasticRetriever
|pipe.run("kubernetes aws")

|# Semantic queries (questions, statements, sentences ...) will leverage the DPR retriever
|pipe.run("How to manage kubernetes on aws")


Pass your own Transformer binary classification model from file/huggingface or use one of the following pretrained ones hosted on Huggingface:

  1. Keywords vs. Questions/Statements (Default) model_name_or_path="shahrukhx01/bert-mini-finetune-question-detection" output_1 => question/statement output_2 => keyword query Readme

  2. Questions vs. Statements model_name_or_path="shahrukhx01/question-vs-statement-classifier" output_1 => question output_2 => statement Readme

See also the tutorial on pipelines.


| __init__(model_name_or_path: Union[
 |             Path, str
 |         ] = "shahrukhx01/bert-mini-finetune-question-detection")


  • model_name_or_path: Transformer based fine tuned mini bert model for query classification

JoinDocuments Objects

class JoinDocuments(BaseComponent)

A node to join documents outputted by multiple retriever nodes.

The node allows multiple join modes:

  • concatenate: combine the documents from multiple nodes. Any duplicate documents are discarded.
  • merge: merge scores of documents from multiple nodes. Optionally, each input score can be given a different weight & a top_k limit can be set. This mode can also be used for "reranking" retrieved documents.


| __init__(join_mode: str = "concatenate", weights: Optional[List[float]] = None, top_k_join: Optional[int] = None)


  • join_mode: concatenate to combine documents from multiple retrievers or merge to aggregate scores of individual documents.
  • weights: A node-wise list(length of list must be equal to the number of input nodes) of weights for adjusting document scores when using the merge join_mode. By default, equal weight is given to each retriever score. This param is not compatible with the concatenate join_mode.
  • top_k_join: Limit documents to top_k based on the resulting scores of the join.

RayPipeline Objects

class RayPipeline(Pipeline)

Ray (https://ray.io) is a framework for distributed computing.

Ray allows distributing a Pipeline's components across a cluster of machines. The individual components of a Pipeline can be independently scaled. For instance, an extractive QA Pipeline deployment can have three replicas of the Reader and a single replica for the Retriever. It enables efficient resource utilization by horizontally scaling Components.

To set the number of replicas, add replicas in the YAML config for the node in a pipeline:

    |    components:
    |        ...
    |    pipelines:
    |        - name: ray_query_pipeline
    |          type: RayPipeline
    |          nodes:
    |            - name: ESRetriever
    |              replicas: 2  # number of replicas to create on the Ray cluster
    |              inputs: [ Query ]

A RayPipeline can only be created with a YAML Pipeline config.

from haystack.pipeline import RayPipeline pipeline = RayPipeline.load_from_yaml(path="my_pipelines.yaml", pipeline_name="my_query_pipeline") pipeline.run(query="What is the capital of Germany?")

By default, RayPipelines creates an instance of RayServe locally. To connect to an existing Ray instance, set the address parameter when creating the RayPipeline instance.


| __init__(address: str = None, **kwargs)


  • address: The IP address for the Ray cluster. If set to None, a local Ray instance is started.
  • kwargs: Optional parameters for initializing Ray.


| @classmethod
 | load_from_yaml(cls, path: Path, pipeline_name: Optional[str] = None, overwrite_with_env_variables: bool = True, address: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ,)

Load Pipeline from a YAML file defining the individual components and how they're tied together to form a Pipeline. A single YAML can declare multiple Pipelines, in which case an explicit pipeline_name must be passed.

Here's a sample configuration:

|   version: '0.8'
|    components:    # define all the building-blocks for Pipeline
|    - name: MyReader       # custom-name for the component; helpful for visualization & debugging
|      type: FARMReader    # Haystack Class name for the component
|      params:
|        no_ans_boost: -10
|        model_name_or_path: deepset/roberta-base-squad2
|    - name: MyESRetriever
|      type: ElasticsearchRetriever
|      params:
|        document_store: MyDocumentStore    # params can reference other components defined in the YAML
|        custom_query: null
|    - name: MyDocumentStore
|      type: ElasticsearchDocumentStore
|      params:
|        index: haystack_test
|    pipelines:    # multiple Pipelines can be defined using the components from above
|    - name: my_query_pipeline    # a simple extractive-qa Pipeline
|      nodes:
|      - name: MyESRetriever
|        inputs: [Query]
|      - name: MyReader
|        inputs: [MyESRetriever]


  • path: path of the YAML file.
  • pipeline_name: if the YAML contains multiple pipelines, the pipeline_name to load must be set.
  • overwrite_with_env_variables: Overwrite the YAML configuration with environment variables. For example, to change index name param for an ElasticsearchDocumentStore, an env variable 'MYDOCSTORE_PARAMS_INDEX=documents-2021' can be set. Note that an _ sign must be used to specify nested hierarchical properties.
  • address: The IP address for the Ray cluster. If set to None, a local Ray instance is started.

_RayDeploymentWrapper Objects

class _RayDeploymentWrapper()

Ray Serve supports calling of init methods on the Classes to create "deployment" instances.

In case of Haystack, some Components like Retrievers have complex init methods that needs objects like Document Stores.

This wrapper class encapsulates the initialization of Components. Given a Component Class name, it creates an instance using the YAML Pipeline config.


| __init__(pipeline_config: dict, component_name: str)

Create an instance of Component.


  • pipeline_config: Pipeline YAML parsed as a dict.
  • component_name: Component Class name.


| __call__(*args, **kwargs)

Ray calls this method which is then re-directed to the corresponding component's run().

MostSimilarDocumentsPipeline Objects

class MostSimilarDocumentsPipeline(BaseStandardPipeline)


| __init__(document_store: BaseDocumentStore)

Initialize a Pipeline for finding the most similar documents to a given document. This pipeline can be helpful if you already show a relevant document to your end users and they want to search for just similar ones.


  • document_store: Document Store instance with already stored embeddings.


| run(document_ids: List[str], top_k: int = 5)


  • document_ids: document ids
  • top_k: How many documents id to return against single document